Sunday 28 September 2014

of freaky fridays and sexy saturdays !!

hello !!

how is your sunday brunch going on guys ?

but tell me what exactly is it about weekends, people?

weekends are supposed to be the best thing - lazy mornings, , lolling around in bed, sumptuous brunches, back to back episodes of ur fav serial or movies, shopping at ur fav stores(strictly for women), gossip and lunch with your gang of girls (women again), beers, backslappin, swear-tences and pizza (tandoori chicken, if its indian men :P) sessions for men, eating out and great parties........ heaven, right !!

in your dreams girl !!

for most of us and i am excluding the single, happening girls in their twenties - their life is one big party anyway, barring the mandatory sob-a-thons......hey i was in twenties too !

yeah so for most of us weekends are like looking at WW photos !! immeasurable suffering !

therez this huge pile of dirty dishes to greet you in the morning...just because you decided to switch off your auto mode n enjoy your one glass of wine or your share of the TV on one night and postponed loading the dishwasher, so much laundry that you can do all your muscle training in a day, putting your house in order that includes picking up items meant to be kept in shelves & not on the over-burdened floor , your weekly run to the grocery store and numerous other errands that only a woman' mind, body and soul  can comprehend and accomplish !!

and if that is not enough, there is always room for some emotional blackmailing from your family or emotional guilt of yours to cook that favorite family meal - b'fast+lunch+dinner in case you happen to be a good cook ! i happen to be the worst hit in this case...blackmail and guilt always visit me together and i chose to cook my way to my man's there !! one way road backtracking or wishing upon  my lucky stars !

and the icing on the cake happens to be the sweet little innocuous super man bag lying quietly in a corner. you dread opening it because  in your hearts of heart you know there is not even an ounce of energy or inclination left in your bones that can tackle the mammoth task of getting the homework done... of a time ! just like they would glue their mouths shut when you tried feeding them healthy food when they were young, that is exactly how it happens when you are teaching your pre-schooler to write alphabets ! they have the capability to put the phrase -at a snail's pace - to shame ! but you are a are better than Superman, believe me.  so get cracking !

finally after all this is done, you are able to relax and put up your feet. it doesn't matter if this bliss lasts for just over an hour because its already sunday eve (sat eve for us here ) and the painful task of putting a well rested and full charged up kid to sleep is hanging over your head like a sword. if you are a mom to more than one, trust me lady, you have earned your place in heaven...the real one !

and then while massaging your foot cream in your ever tired limbs at night, you suddenly remember you couldn't go for your meni-pedi/waxing / facial session at the salon...again...just like last week and the week before that. and you form a steely resolve to do it next week, come hail, rain or storm ! and you put in some more foot cream, to compensate ! or pull out your tweezers n pluck those ungainly hair from your what i did last night !

hey, did anyone ask me about the latest hot spots in town ? darling the ones i knew are probably in the antique listing of the catalog now !

now if any of you is wondering why did i have to take you through my weekend diary... its because i so wanted to write my intro to this blog over the weekend, but... it has simply not happened, yet again !!

and please, don't chide me for all this frivolity when i claimed to be writing about matters close to my heart.
my poor still weeps over its lost weekends !

so long :)))

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